Top 3 Tips for Time Management

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Being productive and organized are crucial to completing tasks. But with a to-do list that official statement is never ending, it can be hard to know where to start. There are a few time management tips that are backed by scientific research.

1. Eliminate multitasking

Multitasking can be an effective method of getting more done however it actually decreases productivity and leaves you feeling exhausted. Concentrate on one task and give it your complete attention until you complete it. This approach can also assist in eliminating “half-work,” such as returning a phone call or checking your email while you are trying to work on a project.

2. Use Time Blocking

One method to improve your time management skills is to block off a certain amount of time that is, say, 20 minutes or an hour, free of distractions. If you’re distracted by a call or social media notifications, make note of the event down and then return to your task within the time you have allotted. This is especially useful when you have to spend the most time, such as writing a paper or getting ready for a test.

3. Prioritize your work and tackle them in a systematic manner

A final tip to improve time management is to prioritize tasks and complete them in order of importance. This will help you not feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks. It’s also important to set aside time for self-care, such as doing some exercise or taking a calming break. This can help prevent burnout and increase productivity.

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