Improve Your Time Management Skills With These Time Management Tips

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Whether you’re a full-time worker trying to manage deadlines and projects or an entrepreneur trying to increase productivity Time management skills are essential to achieving success. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus when you work all hours of the day. But with the right tools and strategies, you can improve your time management skills and keep on track with work as well as everything else between.

1. One task at a moment.

Multitasking could be an effective way to increase your time, but research suggests it can actually hinder your productivity and can have negative effects on your performance. Set a timer for 20 minutes and concentrate on a single task. When the timer is set you should take a break. It is not advisable to check your social media feeds or text messages during this time. However, you may check your email if you have to. This will allow you to perform more efficiently and boost your productivity.

2. Prioritize tasks by using the ABCDE method.

Prioritizing your tasks using the ABCDE method is among the most effective time management strategies. (Also called Parkinson’s law, or “eat the Frog”). Start each day by compiling the list of all your tasks, and then rank them in order of importance. First, you must tackle the most important task first, so it’s done. Then, move on to the second-most important task, and so on.

Another useful tip for managing time is to be aware of your body’s natural cycles of energy and determine the ideal time of the day to focus on your work. For instance, a lot of people are morning people and have the highest level of energy in the early hours of the morning.

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