How Math and Technologies Are Connected

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Math is a vitally important component of modern technology. From conceiving new medical treatments to improving transportation systems and advancing energy sources, the basis of all of these technologies is built on mathematical principles. Many students struggle to grasp the importance of mathematics. It’s important to keep in mind that no amount of math technology will replace a skilled teacher.

Teachers must also be able to create positive attitudes in their students about technology and math. Pierce and Ball (2009) affirm that teachers can make learning enjoyable for students with digital tools such as interactive whiteboards. They also stress the importance of making sure that students have an in-depth understanding of the software they’re using to be able to make use of it effectively.

Mathematical models are an additional method by which technology and math can be linked. These models are designed to help create easily shared and modified representations of scientific or mathematical phenomena. The model is a tool that aids in learning by offering a method to create and share public documents of thoughts (Lesh & Doerr, 2000).).

However, despite their advantages, mathematical models cannot fully explain the site way math is utilized as a tool in society. This is due to the perception of objectiveness that mathematical truths convey. This is why the rigor of mathematically prescribed decisions is often cited as a reason for the absence of debate about issues like health risks caused by radiation from mobile phones or economic policies.

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