Data Management Best Practices

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Having access to reliable data that can be easily interpreted is crucial for companies to make informed decisions and improve marketing campaigns. Incorrect data management practices can result in data sets that are incompatible as well as inconsistent data and poor quality data. This can hinder the performance of BI applications and analytics and lead to faulty conclusions. These best practices will enable companies to unlock the full potential of their data and attain more efficiency in their operations.

1. Make data governance and quality of data a priority.

One of the most crucial aspects of good data management is to develop clear and consistent definitions of each dataset and ensure that all parties are adhering to data management best practices these definitions. This prevents data from being differently interpreted or used by different teams. It is also helpful to establish processes to check and monitor the quality of data.

2. Be sure that data is stored in the appropriate format.

The correct formats make it easier to access and process data by computers. This allows for more efficient analysis. It is also essential to set up a process that regularly backs up and exports data so that it can be quickly and easily restored in the event of a system failure or hacking attack.

3. Eliminate unnecessary data and eliminate duplicates.

It can be difficult to keep up with this task, but it’s essential to check the data regularly and eliminate duplicates that are no longer required. This not only reduces the amount of storage space required however, it can also help to keep the data tidy and ready for analysis and reporting.

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